AAOE Casting, Splinting and Soft Goods Program
Casting - Boxing Glove and Gauntlet Cast
Casting - Boxing Glove and Gauntlet Cast
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Video Transcription
♪ Music Playing ♪ Place the arm in a neutral position. Snip a thumb hole in the stockinette for the thumb and place the stockinette over the arm from the elbow to one to two inches past the fingertips. Note that another option is to cut a hole for the thumb after placing the stockinette on the arm. This one can stop at many levels on the fingers but for this one we're going to go to the tips. Make sure the wrist is in a neutral position and apply cast padding as if you were doing a short arm cast. Start wrapping the padding around the wrist then go through the web space of the index finger and thumb. Continue wrapping distally up to the fingertips. Keep the fingers bent at the MP joints to a 90 degree angle or as far as the patient can go and keeping the IP joints in extension unless ordered otherwise by the physician. Make sure that the fingers do not overlap. Make three turns at the top of the bumper and ensure that the metacarpals are well padded. Go back down around the wrist and continue proximally down the arm staying within two fingers of the elbow unless instructed otherwise by the physician. Keep 50-50 coverage of the cast padding down the arm. Wrap around the end of the cast three times for the bumper and then wrap distally to ensure adequate padding. Make sure your padding is nice and smooth. Apply the fiberglass using 50-50 coverage starting at the wrist. Place a fan fold at the base of the thumb and move through the web space of the index finger and thumb, and up around all the fingers. Make sure to leave one inch between bumpers and the end of the fiberglass. You want to be careful when you're wrapping the end of the fingers that you don't pull in because you really don't want to cause any of those fingers to overlap. Wrap proximally back down the hand and wrist. Continue wrapping fiberglass down the rest of the arm, leaving about one inch between the end of the cast and the fiberglass. Mold the cast, remembering to always use your palm, never your fingers. Use an interosseous mold, keeping the MP joints at a 90 degree angle or as far as the patient can go. Watch to make sure your patient doesn't deviate. Mold in the palm. The wrist should be in a neutral or intrinsic plus position based on orders from the physician. Fold the stockinette back at the fingertips. Try to get all the wrinkles out of that. Continue to mold the cast using your palm. Continue to mold the cast using your palm, never your fingertips. Like I said, this one can also be done shorter where the IPs are free or even where the DIP is free. Again. Cut slits at the proximal end of the cast. Fold back the cast padding and fold back the stockinette. Make sure you've got a good flat mold. Finish by wrapping the cast with a color roll. It doesn't really matter where you start with your color roll. Roll coming up the arm. And then you're going to wrap the cast with a color roll. Relax your fingers a little bit. You want to be really careful when you're wrapping your color roll on the fingers that you don't pull your color roll tighter than the underlayer because that will cause a wrinkle in the underlayer of your fiberglass. Thanks for watching. Thanks for watching! To remove the cast, cut along the top and bottom of the cast, following the lines drawn in this video.
Video Summary
This video demonstrates how to properly apply a short arm cast. First, the arm is positioned in a neutral position and a thumb hole is cut in the stockinette. Cast padding is applied, starting at the wrist and wrapping up to the fingertips, ensuring the fingers are kept bent at a 90-degree angle. Fiberglass is then applied, starting at the wrist and wrapping up through the fingers, leaving one inch between bumpers. The cast is molded using the palm and an interosseous mold, and the stockinette is folded back. Finally, the cast is wrapped with a color roll. To remove the cast, it is cut along the top and bottom.
short arm cast
applying cast
cast application
cast removal
correct cast technique
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