AAOE Casting, Splinting and Soft Goods Program
Casting - Short Arm Cast
Casting - Short Arm Cast
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Video Transcription
should be in neutral position. Place the stockinette on the arm from the tips of the fingers to the elbow. You can either cut the thumb hole before you place the stockinette on, or you can cut once the stockinette is on. Place one-inch stockinette over the thumb. Start wrapping padding at the wrist and move up through the hand and the web space. Making approximately three turns at the end. Then begin wrapping the padding covering at a 50-50 level until you reach the elbow. You're covering about 50-50 each time you go up. Wrap three turns at the elbow. The three turns at each end will serve as the bumpers. Make sure you have coverage everywhere. And then you just tear off what you don't need. Start wrapping the padding covering at the wrist and the elbow. Start wrapping the fiberglass starting at the same place as the cast padding. Start at the wrist and move through the hand and web space. There are two options for going up through the hand. Either cut and fold, folding up, or do a twist. If doing a twist, you want to hold at the base of the hand and twist. You can also do a fan fold to make the cast stronger without having to go through the web space multiple times. And if you do a twist, you want to hold right at the base and twist. Like that. Then move back down to the elbow using 50-50 coverage. Make sure to leave about an inch between the bumpers and the end of the fiberglass. Three-quarters of an inch from the end of my padding so that I have a good bumper. Then I cut a slit here and a slit here. Then fold down the stockinette and padding. Make sure you fold the padding down instead of pulling it to avoid wrinkling the fiberglass. Mold while the fiberglass hardens to make sure you have the wrist in neutral position. And I cut a slit here and here. Then fold your stockinette back. Then I cut a hole right here. Just tuck that back in. Then again, this is when you would want to hold and mold. Make sure before it dries you've got them in neutral position. You can relax your hand. I'm going to cut that a little bit. And then I would take my color roll and finish it up. Then take the colored roll and wrap the same way as the fiberglass, starting at the wrist and moving up through the hand and web space, then moving down toward the elbow. Be sure you don't roll the fiberglass past the stockinette so you maintain a padded edge. Mold the cast using an interosseous mold. Be sure to always use the palm of your hands to mold the cast, never use your fingertips. Mold in the palm and maintain a neutral position of the wrist. And that's a short arm. To remove the cast, use a marker to draw a line along the top and bottom of the cast. So you just cut here and then you want to be sure you're opposite your other cut on the bottom.
Video Summary
The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to apply a short arm cast. It begins by placing a stockinette on the arm, cutting a thumb hole if needed, and adding padding from the wrist to the elbow. The fiberglass is then wrapped, starting at the wrist, and can be folded or twisted around the hand. The wrapping continues to the elbow, leaving some space for bumpers. The stockinette and padding are folded down and the cast is molded while it hardens. A colored roll is then wrapped in a similar fashion to the fiberglass. To remove the cast, mark and cut along the top and bottom lines.
short arm cast
applying cast
step-by-step guide
fiberglass wrapping
cast removal
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