AAOE Casting, Splinting and Soft Goods Program
Splinting - Arm Sling
Splinting - Arm Sling
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Video Transcription
Arm Sling. Remove the sling from the packaging. Locate the back of the sling and have the patient insert their arm into the sling, ensuring their elbow is firmly in the back area. Using the shoulder strap across the opposing shoulder, asking the patient to hold the clip and buckle. Feed the strap through the bottom of the clip and buckle, and then through the top. Once fed through the top, pull to adjust the tightness to slightly elevate the arm. Examine the brace to make sure everything is in a good position.
Video Summary
Arm Sling. Remove the sling from the packaging. Locate the back of the sling and have the patient insert their arm into the sling, ensuring their elbow is firmly in the back area. Using the shoulder strap across the opposing shoulder, asking the patient to hold the clip and buckle. Feed the strap through the bottom of the clip and buckle, and then through the top. Once fed through the top, pull to adjust the tightness to slightly elevate the arm. Examine the brace to make sure everything is in a good position.
arm sling
proper use
shoulder strap
adjusting tightness
Elbow Support
Adjust Tightness
Brace Position
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