How AI and Integration Improved Efficiency for Ten ...
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Hey Erin. Hey there. How you doing? Great. How are you? I'm good. Good. I have the polls loaded and I'll launch them whenever I see them on the screen. Okay. Good deal. Thanks for sending those over. Yeah. Hey Samantha. Good morning. I don't know how to change my name on this. Um, go to the three dots. Can you do that? Or no, do you, you right click? Hang on. Rename. Oh, there it is. Okay. There you go. All right. Then I'm going to make you a co-host Samantha, so that you can turn on your video. Erin, do you want the ability to be co-host and have video? No, I was going to ask if I should rejoin as an attendee just so I'm not a distraction. You can. Yeah, absolutely. Okay. I might do that. Okay. Can one of you send me just the regular attendee link? Sorry to be a pain. No, not at all. So let me do that. Let me just go here too. I just sent you the invite link to your email. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Laura should be jumping in in a minute. Awesome. Okay, so Laura is going to share her screen and advance slides, I'll launch the poll. And then, since you are going to actually be in the attendee Do you want to drop your seed questions into the q amp a. Yeah. All right, that would be cool. And that way they can just populate into there. Yeah. At the very end. Right, it's public. No, the q amp a cannot be seen in public. It'll just show that there's a question and you can actually select to be anonymous as well. So, you can do that. And then we'll, like, click answer live and stuff so yeah okay. And I'll throw those up to you, Samantha and Laura. Laura is joining in five minutes. Yeah, we have some time. Okay. Because I won't open the zoom room for another 15. Okay, so once she's in and we're have her slides we know they're able to be shared then we'll get everything going. Okay. How you feeling Sam Good morning. Thanks again. Yeah, how are you. Good. How's your OE office, or do you all work for Indiana. Oh, we work remotely. A lot of the time. Katie my colleague who's on the call goes into the office on a daily basis, and a couple of other people utilize the office as well and we, you know, have team meetings in there from time to time. Yeah, we've had a great summer in Indianapolis, like, kind of on the north side of Indianapolis, so nice we've had a great summer this year honestly it's like it normally it is so humid and hot, and a little miserable. And it's actually been really, really nice. Cool. It's been surprisingly not horrible this year. Yes. It's great. We're currently melting in Tennessee. Are you, I was wondering how Tennessee has been. We had a couple of days where it wasn't terrible and we're back in the 90s now. No. Yeah, that's hotter than it is here which is, you know, I usually we're pretty close. Like summertime wise wintertime you guys definitely get much more mild winters but my goodness. Yeah, it's only 77 right now in Indianapolis and I'm loving it. It's awesome. I'm in Florida and it's brutal, brutal, brutal. Yeah, Florida this time of year is tough. My sister and her husband just took their kids to Disney a couple weeks ago and I'm like you're so brave. So brave. Yeah, yeah, couldn't do it. Funny. All right, and then as a reminder I'm going to have when I open the zoom room, some just like housekeeping slides running as well so you'll see some of that. While you're watching people jump into the room. And then after the call. I'll send the recording out to all of you along with the attendee list as well. So that you've got both of those. And since we last chatted. Yeah, we're up to 37. Nice. Okay. Yeah. Yes, yes. Awesome. Thank you all again. Tch-tch-tch-tch-tch-tch-tch. How have things been at the practice for you, Samantha? Have you guys been very busy lately? We're extremely busy. What was it yesterday? We're rolling out a new system for our paperwork, and across all of TLA yesterday, we had like 2,700 appointments. Oh my gosh. Wow. We have 22 locations, and there was 2,700 appointments yesterday. That's crazy. Is it just like back-to-school sports stuff, do you think, or just like a grand storm of ... Part of it, both. Football season always hits us really hard, and we're the Titan doctor, too, so we have all of them, too, but yeah, it's kind of just ... Yeah, start of school was most of it, but we also have, I think, we're adding two new physicians this upcoming month in September, so we'll have 68 doctors total. Wow. That's awesome how much growth you're having, though. Yes, we're everywhere. Yeah. Yeah. So what- That's not including Knoxville and Columbia, either. That's just Middle Tennessee. That's so crazy. So when you say a new paperwork system, is it like a workflow, or do you have a new vendor you're using for that kind of stuff that you're onboarding? So it's a new vendor. We are pushing out ... We were using Healthier for paperwork. We've been using them since 2017, and now we're switching it over to a system called CLINIC, so we'll be using that here in the next couple of months. So they're trying to roll off that and get the process started, so yeah. Do you have to be very involved in that, or are you just training and getting that all implemented in your office? For MRI and CT, I have to be involved. CLINIC, I came from CLINIC, so I have input in that, but not as much input as other people, luckily. Kind of nice when you don't have to be the leader of the charge. Yes. Yes. No, MRI and CT. Now, INFINIX has been my baby since it started, so- That's awesome. I'll continue to have INFINIX, so- How long have you guys had INFINIX? It was two years, April 18th, so it'll be three years this upcoming April. Mm-hmm. Okay. So we're in the process of the RFP for all that, and then onboarding it too? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yes. Yep. Our integration, all of it. So start to finish. Wow. That's awesome. Yeah. That's great. It's a big deal. Yeah. We've done two new systems this year. We're doing a new association management system, like RCRM, and also a new learning management system. So we've had a lot this year, and that's on such a small scale compared to what onboarding a new healthcare system is. It's crazy. So I'm always impressed with the people who lead the charge of that and the practices, because it's no small feat. Mm-hmm. No, it is not. Well, and we haven't changed our ... I can't even tell you how long we've had our healthcare system, which we use NextGen. I don't even know how long we've had it. It's been a really long time before I started, and I'll be here seven years in 10 days. So ... Yeah. Mm-hmm. We've been using it a while. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. One, hopefully you're not looking to change anytime soon, just for the sheer fact of how busy you guys are and how much growth you have, because it's just a lot to RFP for a new EHR. Oh, my gosh. Mm-hmm. Yes. No, I would not look forward to that. Maybe something a little more user-friendly, yes, but to start the process ... No, I just ... No. Yeah. We'll wait a couple years for that. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. So, do you guys have a box at the stadium for Titans games, since you're the doctors? No. Dang. I know. We do not. No. Oh, that's too bad. Next time when you renegotiate the contract, see if you can include that and say Samantha gets to get her first pick of games. Yeah. Tell me about it. Which a lot of our doctors have tickets. A lot of our doctors have season tickets, so if they're like, hey, I don't want to go to the game. Do you want to go? And I'm like, sure. Yeah, we'll go. So- That's awesome. There is a little perk, but it has nothing to do with TOA. It's just our doctors. It's because you've got great clinicians you work with, right? Yes. Or providers you work with. Yes. That's nice. That's good you have that kind of culture. Yes. We have wonderful physicians. I would not trade them for the world. That's awesome. I'm biased because I work here, but- Well, it doesn't have to be that way. You hear a lot of things about just, and not like, like or dislike of just navigating through sometimes personalities and lots of other things. So the fact that you've got some good folks on your side is great. Yeah. There are a lot of personalities. That is definitely for sure. Yeah. Are you planning to go to conference next year in Atlanta? I don't know. This is the first time I've ever done anything like this. So I think it is a part of the conversation at the moment. Yes. So- We'd love to have you. It'd be great. I would love to go. I retain information that I don't necessarily need. So I can read a book till I'm blue in the face and don't retain any of the information, but going to something like this, I would actually listen and keep it in my brain. So yeah. Yeah. It's good. It's really good. There's lots of good sessions and, you know, it's good to get FaceTime with your vendors sometimes too, with the nature of business now, it's like you don't always see them. And when you actually can talk to them face to face, sometimes the conversation can be just a little different too. Yeah, for sure. It definitely is. That's what, when Stephanie from Infinix comes to visit, I love it when she comes to visit because it's nice to just sit down and have a conversation that's not over a Zoom meeting. Absolutely. For sure. Hey, Laura. Hi. How are you? Turn on. All right. I'll drop off. I'll be in the session, Laura. I'm just going to not be a panelist. So I'm not distracting here. Okay. All right. See you ladies soon. Bye. Thanks. Oh, there we are. Awesome. All right. Do you want to make sure that you can pull your slides up, Laura? Good idea. Hold on one second. And then I told Aaron, I have the polls ready to go. Okay. And so I'll just launch them when the slide comes up. Okay. Hold on, let me put it in presenter mode. Perfect. Working. Okay. And then we'll be prompted. So then when the poll comes up, you'll do it from your side? Yes. I'll go ahead and launch it. That way you don't have to worry about messing with the zoom controls. Okay. And then we'll give it some time and you should still see the results. If for some reason you can't, let me know and I can read them off and I'll like launch them to the full group as well. Okay. And then let me see here. So I have three questions. What's your biggest concern regarding AI and automation? What's your top challenge with prior authorization? And are you planning to implement AI solutions in your practice within the next year? Yes. Those are the ones that Aaron sent in that email. Yep. And then we talked in Aaron's and she's going to actually be within the attendees. She'll actually put the seed questions in the Q and A as like an anonymous question. Okay. And then at the end, when you have that pulled up, we'll have them in there and I can read them off to you as questions that have come in and that way you guys can answer them. That works for me. Are you good with that? I'm good. Yeah. Awesome. I'm interested to see how this goes start to finish. Yeah. Yeah. It's a good one. I think we hit on some really important things. So, yeah, I think it's going to be really good. And, you know, these are questions people are thinking about too. And, you know, it's, it's a good preface for what's to come. So, I feel like there was something else I was going to say, just as a reminder, when I open up the Zoom room, you can be muted and off camera until I introduce you. So, I'll, I'll put myself back on camera and I'll stop sharing my screen because I'm going to have just some like housekeeping slides running as the Zoom rooms open and people get into the presentation. And once I do that and start giving my couple housekeeping notes, then you guys can come on camera and unmute and I'll probably just hand it right off to Laura and Laura, I'll let you introduce Sam. Yep. That works. Awesome. Well, I'm going to open that up in just about a minute and I give warnings. So, you'll hear me go. We have, we'll start the webinar in five minutes and either two or one. So, you can keep an ear out for that. But otherwise, we'll see you right at 1130 Eastern. Okay. Thank you. Hello, everybody. Thank you so much for joining us today. We are going to be getting started here in just a moment. But before we do, I am going to go over just a couple of housekeeping notes and then we'll introduce our speakers for the day. So everybody is in listen-only mode for the webinar. You can utilize the Q&A function to ask questions. You can also utilize the chat function to drop in questions or discuss during the webinar. Just make sure that you select everyone when you're chatting so that everybody can see your message. We won't be using the raise hand function, so do make sure that you're utilizing that Q&A or the chat box in order to ask those questions. So without further ado, I'm going to go ahead and introduce our speakers today. We are joined by Laura Pata from Infinix and Samantha Towler from Tennessee Orthopedic Alliance. And they're going to be talking about how AI and automation improved efficiencies in the TOA offices. So without further ado, I'm going to pass it off to Laura to get it started. Thank you so much. Hi, everyone. Thank you, Samantha, for being here. I will start sharing my slides. Make sure you can see them. See them? Good? Okay, perfect. All right, let's get started. Today's agenda, we'll do a quick intros talking about some automation myths that we have uncovered at Infinix as well as Samantha, and then talk about some efficiencies gained through AI and how it can impact your practice as well. Some information about me, I've been with Infinix for six years this month. So I have been with Infinix for a while. I help with the customer success team. I see that some of our clients are on here. Samantha is one of our amazing customers. She is the MRI patient services supervisor at Tennessee Orthopedic Alliance. She has been with TOA for seven years. She has a variety of experience and a lot of information to share in terms of how we've helped her, our platform, what AI has done to help improve her processes, as well as managing her staff. Anything else you want to add, Samantha, on that? No, I think that was great. All right. Let's move on. Talking about some of the challenges that you had before you implemented Infinix, can you talk about that? Of course. We were extremely far behind. It was right around 2021, I feel like. We had lost a lot of our staff due to COVID, and we were about two weeks behind on all of our MRI authorization and CT authorizations. So when we implemented Infinix, so we were two weeks behind, and it took about a week to get completely caught up to where we were doing the same day or next day orders. And so when you first started though, you started using us manually. So basically everything that you entered into our system, someone was typing it in, uploading documents, and then we would initiate the prior authorization, right? Yes. We didn't do the HL7 integration until the next year. Okay. And then how many FTEs did you start with? We had seven, and I still have seven. Okay. So your volume has increased, there's been more efficiencies, and you've maintained the same number of FTEs while getting more patients, more revenue. Yes. Awesome. And then how far are you guys out now? So what's your process? Do you wait to get your prior authorization before you schedule, or do you schedule after you get your prior authorization? We get the authorization before we schedule to make sure there's no kinks in the process. So we get the order from the doctor, then we get the approval. We put in our order same day to insurance to Infinix. Okay. And then so how far are days out like? So let's just say you put in a case, you send it over us today, you get it turned around pretty quickly, and then you've scheduled those patients just seen within like two to three days versus two to three weeks previously. Is that? Yes. Okay. Yes. We normally can get them in between two to three days from getting their order from the physician. That's awesome. And then just so you guys have some information. So they, TOA is definitely a multi-specialty. They're in joint sports medicine. They do basically everything. And Samantha oversees all of the MRIs there. So basically the MRI side of the business, and she makes sure that all the authorizations get done so that those patients coming pretty quickly sooner rather than later before some of those issues that she had was the delays. So it was kind of like, how do I get caught up with all the volume and how do we get to see these patients quicker without, you know, making, getting some patient abandonment, people leaving, you know, going to another facility. So I think that brings us to our next slide. So a lot of the stuff, you know, that we've read is everyone's worried is automation and AI going to replace humans or, you know, is it, or how, how is it going to help improve efficiencies? Right. Because it's basically just AI and automation is just helping with those labor intensive tasks, you know, those repetitive tasks and, and helping it complete them. But you can't, especially with per authorizations, you absolutely have to have someone that can help with the manual side of things, right? So if a payer says you need to fax, you know, or we only received six out of the eight pages, so you still have to fax again, someone has to manually do that. There's parts where automation will never ever, I mean, it's impossible. Automation will never, you can never have an end to end fully automated per authorization process. But Sam, I was hoping that you'd kind of like talk about what happened. What did your staff think when Infinix first came on board? What were some of the thoughts? Did they think that they were going to lose their jobs to us, where there's a little bit of pushback? We did have concerns with staff as far as thinking that later on down the road, that there would be layoffs basically, because we were moving to AI. And that's not what has happened at all. It helps our staff and a lot of them, a lot of my staff are happier because this is something that took a load off of them. They're still doing all the same tasks they were every single day. It's just, we have somebody to do our authorizations for us. So do you think, how long did it take for them to finally realize, okay, AI, the software platform, it's not going to take my job. It's here to help me. How long did it take for them to adjust? It took them a while. I would say, especially before we did the HL7 integration, I think that's where they were mostly scared that with us doing the automated process that it would change, but it hasn't changed anything. That's good. That's good. So, I mean, I think they also realized that AI automation is not going to help you. You can't just do end to end. You have to have people to help. So it's like, your jobs will always remain. It's not something that will take over. Any additional efficiencies that you think that they've kind of walked away with in terms of, are they, did you redeploy them to do other things? Are they still just meaning, like, are they doing the stats same days? How have you kind of sparsed out their work So I have one staff member who does all of our stat cases in-house. So she strictly just does, if the patient, if the doctor feels like they need a stat case, either same day or next day, that is her sole job. That's what she focuses on every day. And then my other staff are the ones that they do have to get benefits and they do have to do, you know, make sure we have the costs and everything for the patient before they come in. So they still have all of those same days. It's just the authorization piece, which was the heaviest piece, is not something that they have to do now. Right. So no more calling, no more waiting on the phone for three hours with Blue Cross Blue Shield. Yes, absolutely. Yep. Okay. I think we have a polling question here. For everyone on the line, what's some of your biggest concerns regarding an automation? I mean, what do you think some of your staff thinks about that? Yeah, I can see. Cost of implementation, for sure. How effective it's going to be once it's been implemented is another. Yeah, I can see. Cost of implementation, for sure. How effective it's going to be once it's been implemented is another. Yeah, I can see. Cost of implementation, for sure. How effective it's going to be once it's been implemented is another. Job displacement. And no one really picked data security. That's interesting. Okay. Let's see. Next slide. So going back to those efficiencies, I think what a lot of our customers say is the biggest impact is the increase in productivity that they have, right? I mean, I think before you had mentioned manually entering into a system, basically, our portal is the same portal that you would enter the same information that you would in Availity or any carillon. However, I think you mentioned before that your staff was kind of like, it's labor intensive too. You're putting everything into Infinix. However, Infinix will do the calling. They will do the faxing. They will do the exception handling. But you did a time study on how long it took you to enter in cases versus once the HL7 was actually integrated with NextGen. Yes, it was when we first manually started doing it. It took me three and a half minutes to put in the case. I would start to finish the physician information, the patient information, insurance, clinical notes, facility. Yeah, all of it took about three and a half minutes until we did our HL7 integration. Okay. And now it's like seconds, less than a minute. All the data comes over. We get it. Yeah. It's less than a minute. That's awesome. So, faster turnaround times. Obviously, I think the patient management thing is pretty critical because I know before that was some of the issues that I heard. In terms of pain points, it's like your patients were going to other facilities close by because they could get seen quicker. The authorizations were getting done quicker because they had the staff. And so, I know some of the efficiencies in terms of you've been able to save time, get more reimbursements, keeping your patients happy, reducing those. Yeah, exactly. I would say that you do a lot of manual data entry because as we know, even our clients will say, okay, well, we have to go to the web portal and put all the data in ourselves anyways. However, when you're doing manual data entry, letters can get transposed, numbers can get transposed, and those can always affect the authorizations as well because it's just like continuously putting the same data over and over in different spots. However, with the automation, as soon as it comes over, all the patient demographics, everything that we need to obtain the off comes immediately over along with the clinicals, correct? Yeah. Yep. So, basically, there's really nothing you guys have to do in terms of sending anything over. It's just cases of the patient's ready. We get the case and we start. Yep. We just verify the information and go from there. Awesome. Okay. So, I think we have another poll question. Let's see if I can get the slides right. What are some of your top prior authorization challenges? I think this is pretty common the whole times, right? You have your staff sitting on the call for three hours getting disconnected, definitely denials, front-end denials, also impacts the back-end denials, patient satisfaction, revenue loss from patient abandonment, long hold times. What's your denials been like since you started with Infinex? Our denials. So, I actually ran some numbers recently. So, since December, we had 900 cases and we've actually, we have surgery scheduling too. We don't just do MRIs and CTs. We do MRIs, CTs, surgery scheduling, like musculoskeletal surgeries, as well as pain management injections. So, I did our numbers from December to April. There was 900 cases and we had a denial rate. Wow. That's good because what was it before? Do you know, did you have any baseline numbers in terms of your denials prior to Infinex? I didn't, only because I couldn't track it. With Infinex, I have the capability of running the numbers and seeing the denial rate and the reasons for the denials. And, you know, if we need to talk to the physicians and go from there before that, I had no way to track the information because we were using so many different portals and now having all of the information and wanting to track all of that. Yep. When you talk about some of the denials on the front end though, what do you, actually, I should just change the slide. Hold on one second. There we go. I think we're done with that one. Definitely long hold times. I think everyone complains about that for sure. But going back to those efficiencies, obviously the AI, how it's helping with your procedures, you know, is able to help shift your staff from doing some of those, like waiting on the phone for three hours and they were actually doing something to help the patients, help your physicians. I know you've talked about this before in terms of since you've been using Infinix, like the doctor stopped complaining, the nurses stopped complaining, like it just helped everything around because you were caught up. All right, so talking about the integration with NextGen. So I know that we are EHR agnostic so we can integrate with any platform. However, this was actually Infinix's first time integrating with NextGen as well. What was the timing? How long did it take for Infinix from start to finish to complete the integration? It was about eight weeks. Eight weeks, okay. So that's kind of in line and considering it's the first time that we've integrated with NextGen, that's kind of in line with majority of our integrations, anywhere from six to eight weeks. You have a direct connect, directly going, removing that manual data process from your whole workflow in terms of not having data entry. So for sure that helps. Yes. And no longer going out to those various web portals. So I think that's key as well. Yes, it is. So going back to kind of just looping it all back together, talking about the impact in terms of the ROI. You know, you talk about your labor, your staff, you've been able to maintain the same staff. You haven't had to decrease, increase. It's kind of remained the same, but your patient volume has increased month over month, year over year. Yes. And our physician volume has increased as well as we've added physicians over the past couple of years. So that's made a difference too. And then when you talked about the analytics, do you use our patient analytics dashboard? Is that kind of where you go to see like who your top ordering providers are or your top CPT codes or top payers? Does that help you? Yes. It has also helped with work from home employees because I can track their productivity as well on there. As opposed to NextGen, there's not necessarily with tasking the way we task, there's not really a way to track productivity in NextGen. So this has helped me send more employees home because I can track their productivity from infinite. Yeah, exactly. And then the denials. We talk about front end denials all the time. Majority of the time when we're speaking the prior authorization language, we're talking about the prior off denials. However, it doesn't matter even if we get the off, we don't know what happens on the back and you still could get a back end denial. But I know for the most part, we've talked about this that in terms of your revenue has increased, the denials have gone down. You do get your denial summaries every month. So that helps you with your physician education saying, hey, doctor so-and-so looks like every time you get a denial on the front end, it's because conservative treatment hasn't been met or it's not medically necessary. There's different things that you could be doing prior to helping us obtain the off. It is very helpful. Do you actually share that information with your physicians? We do. I have one in particular because I joke with him all the time about it. We weren't doing six weeks of conservative treatment. He was trying to figure out why his denial rates were so high. So we sat down and talked to him and just let him know that a lot of them are getting denied because he would see the patient one time and it wasn't necessarily an injury code. So insurance was automatically denying it because we didn't see the six weeks of conservative treatment. So he is now, unless he knows it's an injury and can get approved, he's seeing all of his patients for six weeks before he requested MRI. That's good. So you're able to kind of like get the trends, help him with it. And then, yeah, it makes him a lot happier too, I'm sure. So with all the denials, appeals, peer-to-peer, anything like that. So. Yes. And I know that was kind of one thing for you too. You're just like, the physicians are off my back. The nurses are off my back. We're able to keep up with the schedule. There's no issues with the off not being obtained. That's always a good talking point because I think it's critical. I mean, you want to keep your staff happy too and your physicians. Absolutely. Yes. All right. I think that's, well, we do have another polling question. I wasn't ready for this one. Are you planning to implement an AI solution in your practice within the next year? And I know you, Sam, are starting with eligibility benefits shortly, right? So same technology, same thing via HL7. You're going to start manually move to the HL7 after your team has gotten kind of used to it. We are. Anything else that you guys, that you or TOA will be implementing specifically? At this very moment, but I have a lot of different projects that I try to help with. So I definitely want to push it for sure to other departments. Okay. Awesome. Sounds like everyone's a yes too. Well, I think you have done an amazing job and we can't tell you enough how much we appreciate you sharing your story and your successes with everyone, especially, you know, working with us for so long. I think it's been two years, two years? Three years, next people. Years. Yeah. It's been quite the journey and you have just remained such an amazing customer for us and a huge advocate. And I can't tell you how much we appreciate this. I'm not sure if there's anyone out there, you know, on the call who has any questions that we can answer, that Sam can answer about her experience, anything at all. I got something in the chat to host and panelists. So someone's interested in hearing in a little bit more detail from you, Sam, about how your staff reacted to the introduction of AI and automation. So can you go through a little bit more detail on what their specific concerns were and how they were alleviated? Yeah. So in the beginning, doing the manual process, they weren't as worried about it. It was when we went to the HL7 integration and it was gonna take less time to put the cases into Infinex than it did originally with that three and a half minute timeframe. And then of course, depending on clinicals, if we've seen the patient for six months, then you're uploading every single piece of clinical that you have. So their concerns when we went to the HL7 integration is that basically that we would just weed out staff. And I've kept all of the same staff. The MRI department hasn't really had a turnover. And I think I have partially some credit to Infinex because my staff are a lot happier. They're not having to go to 15 different portals to do one authorization and then switch to a different portal. So it's made a huge difference for them. And I feel like they're all really comfortable in their positions as far as they don't have concerns anymore like they did before. Awesome. Question specific to NextGen. So what does the staff put in the order for surgery to initiate the prior auth? As far as putting them into NextGen electronically? It's probably what's triggering the orders to come to Infinex. So like when you have an MRI order, what's the rules or the logic behind us getting that case? What if you guys set that up? So as far as NextGen, we have all of our orders that come over MRI, CT, and as well as surgeries. They all come through orders module. I'm not, whoever asked, I'm not sure if you're familiar with NextGen, but they all go through orders module. And as soon as the order goes in, it triggers. There's a dropdown menu where we can send it to Infinex. So it doesn't necessarily trigger it when the order goes in. I have one staff member- Do you need to push the button to send it then? Yes, yes. So once that's sent, it takes like four seconds to send to Infinex. And then the case is available on the drafts and we can pull those and make sure we have all the information we need. Got it. Awesome. Katie, who asked the question said, perfect, thank you. All right. So another question, and this can be from both of you. So I guess from the practice administrator perspective, as well as from, you know, a vendor side, what advice would you give other healthcare organizations considering similar AI integrations in the future? That's a good question. But Sam, I'll let you take it. You actually have to comment it. I have been blessed with Infinex. I had one person that walked through every piece of it with me. I would make sure for sure, for sure, that you have somebody that's gonna be on your side and that wants you to be successful. Because if it wasn't for the staff I had at Infinex to help me through it, I don't know that we would have done it. So I'm thankful to the staff at Infinex for helping me get through everything. How much time did your IT team have to like, to put towards working with Infinex in this and getting us up to the integration up to speed? Did it take a lot of time from your IT side or is it mainly NextGen or who worked with on the TOA side? Our specific IT guy that I'm talking about is a genius. So it didn't take him very long. He has been with us for years and knows NextGen in and out, like the back of his hand, as well as HL7 integration. So that definitely helped for sure, having someone on our side. And they could communicate with Infinex and make sure that we had everything we need. They spoke the same language. I know every time I listen to those integration calls, I'm like, what, what does this mean? I don't understand any of it. Not a bit. So just to kind of piggyback off of that a little bit, like when you guys were going through the process, did you ask any like specific questions to understand what the level of support from Infinex or I guess any other vendor in the future would be just get that specific answer from them on how they were gonna go through that process with you? I wouldn't, timeframes was the biggest thing for me. Yeah, when we sat down, they stuck to every timeframe that they had told me. So we sat down and we did our manual integration. That took, I mean, that took just enough time to get all of our information, our physician information, our facility information, so forth and so on, to get that into the system. But we were rolling out manually. So a big thing for me was timeframes, definitely. And it does. I mean, like the integrations, it's no, I mean, it's no secret, it takes time. I mean, you have to have all three parties. You had to have NextGen, you have to have yourself, and then Infinex kind of working together, trying to meet those same timeframes. And so that's kind of like usually the biggest hiccup is just like, sometimes you don't always get a response from the EMR. So just, there's lots of different caveats in terms of what could and could not happen and could delay things, or maybe it actually pushes things up. It just depends on, you know, how quickly we communicate and get back. Yes. Well, and I would, I mean, definitely do your research. Infinex was like, when I first had started in MRI, it was like, this is too good to be true, but it is what it is. I mean, they laid it out and it is, it has done everything that they said it would do, so. Awesome. We just have one more here. So how do you foresee the role of AI and automation evolving in your practice over the next three to five years? I know you mentioned pushing this out to other departments, but is there anything else you want to touch on? Just that, I mean, we will push it definitely to other departments as much as I can, because it's done wonders for my department. And surgeries as well, we've been doing those since the beginning of December, pushing it out to our physicians, doing some of them little by little, but yeah. I mean, we are doing a couple of other things for AI integration, so this isn't the only one, but it's definitely shown the most success for sure. All right. I don't see that anything else has come through either in the chat or in the Q&A. So as a reminder, this session has been recorded, so you'll be notified once that's available to you. And if you've got any other questions, Laura, do you have any contact information on your slides? No? Do you mind dropping your information in the chat for any follow-up? And yeah, if anyone has follow-up questions for either Samantha or Laura and you need help getting connected with them, you can always reach out to educationaoe.net as well. But thank you, Laura and Samantha, both for your time today. And thanks everyone for joining us. We'll see you the next time around. As a reminder, coming up later this month in just about two weeks, we are having an AI Summit. So if AI is something on your radar or anybody on your staff's radar, definitely consider joining that. Even if you can't attend the full time, all of those sessions are gonna be recorded and in the AOE Learning Center afterwards as well. And so if you are going to be integrating AI or in the beginning stages of just learning about AI and its impact, we've got information from a legal standpoint. Samantha is gonna be talking about a use case on that. And we have other presentations as well. So check that out on aoe.net slash events. And if you enter the code FLASHSALE, F-L-A-S-H-S-A-L-E in all caps, you can get a discount on registration for that event. So thanks everyone so much. We look forward to seeing you again and thank you, Laura and Samantha again for your participation. Thank you.
Video Summary
In the video transcript, Erin and Samantha discuss the use of AI and automation in their practice. They mention the implementation of Infinex, an AI platform that helps with prior authorizations and streamlines processes. Samantha shares how the integration with NextGen EHR system took about eight weeks and significantly reduced the time it takes to input cases. The automation has led to increased efficiency, quicker patient scheduling, reduced denials, and improved staff morale. Samantha highlights the importance of having support from the vendor during implementation and advises doing thorough research before investing in AI solutions. She plans to expand the use of AI to other departments within the practice. Laura and Samantha also discuss how the AI and automation will continue to evolve in their practice over the next three to five years, with a focus on pushing out the technology to other departments and improving overall processes. The video session was informative and highlighted the benefits of integrating AI and automation in healthcare practices.
prior authorizations
NextGen EHR
patient scheduling
staff morale
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