Embracing a Better CRM Model
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Operational margin has moved center stage in terms of priorities for today’s orthopedic practices. Future success hinges on the ability to maximize revenue capture amid severe billing staff shortages and increased patient financial responsibility. Consequently, revenue cycle models must become more “effective” in terms of workflow and oversight. Yet, embracing RCM models built on effective intelligence requires access to deeper insights than EHRs and practice management systems can provide. To overcome this challenge, Washington-based Rebound Orthopedics—the 75-provider group that services the Portland Trail Blazers and Portland Winterhawks—deployed an infrastructure that brings together data from multiple sources to help existing staff execute tasks more effectively. Today the practice is reaping the benefits of having real-time visibility into the effectiveness and bottom-line impact of each revenue cycle team member. This presentation will explore how Rebound Orthopedics laid the needed foundation for realizing better bottom-line performance with fewer FTEs. Executive director Will Mowe, along with MedEvolve’s Matt Seefeld, will demonstrate how smart technology investments are delivering exceptional results—zero touch claims that require no human intervention now account for 62.2% of total, and the practices overall closed balance NCR is 98%, above the industry benchmark of 97%. Participants will learn how the right combination of tools can support remote workforces, provide the needed transparency into day-to-day activity, and optimize workflows around activity that produces the greatest ROI. In addition, presenters will show how financial clearance and digital payment strategies ensure greater success in capturing patient responsible balances.
recognizing employees
rewarding employees
retaining employees
revenue cycle management
employee effectiveness
zero touch rate
work effort
incentivizing employees
data analytics
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